Tuesday, August 23, 2011

National Relay Ride Update

Well Megan and I are 7 days from leaving for Quebec City to join the National Relay Team as they make their way across the country. It has been a long summer of prep work including both physically getting some ride time in, which was a challenge in the early part of the spring summer with the weather, to the fund raising.

Megan and I are so thankful to all of those that have provided us with both financial support and encouragement since we first started the planning for joining this year Relay. From family to friends to complete strangers that have given of both their money and time, we are eternally thank full, it is your faith and trust that have helped keep us focused on the goal in hand, finding a cure for Type 1 diabetes.

We are promising to try and keep everyone up to date on our progress, for this final week prior to the ride as well as once we are on the road. A number of social networking tools are being used that will let folks track our progress and get ongoing updates, besides this blog, there are a number of tools listed at www.4whatmatters.com.

Over the last few days I have been doing a count down on my face book profile, the following is today's;

In 7 days Megan and I will be leaving for Quebec City to join the National Relay with www.4whatmatter.com and start our ride back to Nova Scotia. In respect to those 7 days here are 7 things that my daughter hates about diabetes;

1. The way some people believe that she or her parents could have done something to prevent her from becoming Type 1 diabetic.
2. Always having to do a finger poke to draw blood to test blood sugar levels 5-10times a day
3. Fruit Punch - especially at 3:am to treat a low blood sugar
4. Having to explain to a teacher/karate judge etc that the alarm that went off is not her cell phone but her insulin pump
5. Carrying a bag full of supplies, blood tester, insulin, pump infusion sets, a scale, extra lancets, alcohol swabs...
6. Weight all her food.
7. The belief (by those that don't know her that there are things she cannot do! Run track and field, play fiddle, blue belt in karate, straight A student.....Cycle from Quebec City to Nova Scotia


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